It may not be as hard as fixing The Golden Gate Bridge or The Brooklyn Bridge, but your dental bridge is almost as serious. By helping shape your tooth’s natural appearance and shape, a dental bridge can also prevent your teeth from shifting. If, however, you have a broken dental bridge, you are at a higher risk of having your teeth move around and become crooked. This article will discuss broken dental bridges, how they can be fixed, and the importance of having it fixed by a professional like Dr. Steven Holbrook. Read on to learn more.
What Are Broken Dental Bridges?
On average, dental bridges can last for decades— especially if the patient uses proper dental hygiene. However, just like with anything, your dental bridge can easily break and leave you in need of repair. Dental bridges usually break due to decay under the bridge itself but can also break when there is a fracture in the bridge itself.
How Can They Be Fixed?
Depending on the cause of your broken dental bridge, Dr. Steven Holbrook may recommend removing and replacing the entire dental bridge itself. Or, in some instances, he may be able to repair it by fixing the tooth that is attached to with something like a dental bridge. Whatever the culprit of your failed dental bridge is, Dr. Holbrook will decide what method to use to repair it.
Click here to view our before and after gallery for Fixed Dental Bridges!
What Our Patients Have to Say
“Dr. Holbrook and staff are absolutely amazing! They are very knowledgeable and friendly and I would recommend them for all of your dental needs.” -Erica J.
The Importance of Having It Fixed:
More than likely, your dental bridge has failed because of an infected or decayed tooth that it is attached to. By having your dental bridge fixed, you can treat your decayed tooth and prevent your teeth from shifting at the same time. Just like with any health or oral issue, it’s better to have the problem taken care of right away than waiting for it to get worse.
Schedule a Consultation
Having a broken dental bridge can be fixed with a simple repair or by replacing it entirely. If you would like to learn more about dental bridges or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Steven Holbrook today at (505) 881-1159 to schedule an appointment!