Helps You Maintain Your Face Shape
You may not realize it, but if you have one or more missing teeth, it can lead to issues like bone and jaw deterioration. And although other treatment solutions like dentures are great at restoring your mile, they may change your face shape. With a dental bridge, you won’t have to worry about your face shape changing at all; in fact, it will just restore it.
Looks Natural
A dental bridge is either attached to a dental implant or your natural tooth. The good news is that the crowns we use will always be matched to your existing teeth to ensure they look seamless and natural.
Restores Your Smile
Smiling and having one or more missing teeth isn’t exactly going to make you look professional. When you get a dental bridge, it will restore your smile so that you can feel confident in your appearance again.
It’s Fast
Another great thing about dental bridges is that they can be a fairly fast procedure depending on whether or not you need a dental implant. If you don’t need one, we can do the procedure quickly. If, however, a dental implant is required, the process may take several months to complete.
Restore Your Ability to Chew
If your favorite food has suddenly become impossible to chew and enjoy, then you will be excited to learn that dental bridges can help restore your mouth’s ability to eat which is an ultimate plus in our books.
The list of the benefits of dental implants goes on and on. If you want to learn more about them, contact our Albuquerque office and call (505) 881-1159.