Did you know that smiling benefits both your mind and your body? It’s true.
- Smiling can reduce stress and anxiety.
- Smiling can boost your immune system and reduce pain.
- Smiling makes you appear more attractive.
- Smiling can make you seem more trustworthy and it encourages others to be sympathetic toward you.
- Smiling releases endorphins that make you feel happy, and, incidentally, this works even if the smile is ‘fake.’ The endorphins released are the same endorphins that are released during exercise.
- Smiling helps you stay confident, productive, and focused at work.
- Smiling is contagious. Chances are, if you smile at someone they’ll smile back and you’ll both reap the benefits.
The benefits you get from smiling are substantial, but it may be difficult to show off your smile if you’re self conscious about the appearance of your teeth. Here are a few tips to get a smile you’re comfortable showing to the world.
Practice good oral hygiene habits. Nothing will stop a smile in its tracks like a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth. Rinse your mouth after every meal and brush if possible. Keep a toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste handy at work or school to make oral hygiene easier.
Avoid beverages that stain your teeth. It’s well known that coffee, tea, and wine can stain your teeth. Tobacco products can as well (so try to stop smoking, for your health’s sake as well as for the sake of your teeth). If you can’t give up your daily cups of coffee or nightly glass of wine, be sure to rinse your mouth after you drink those beverages to reduce stains.
Ask us about available treatments. If you are self conscious about your smile because your teeth are not as white as you would like, Dr. Holbrook offers cosmetic dental procedures such as whitening and veneers – so you can smile with absolute confidence.
To learn more about improving your smile and protecting your teeth, call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holbrook, today – because he specializes in creating beautiful smiles.