3 Myths About Dental Implants Debunked

Dental Implants Albuquerque NM In the world we live in, it’s easy to get absorbed by technology and believe everything we read online. And although there’s a lot of valid information out there, there’s also a lot of myths circulating the dental industry. Here at Dr. Steven Holbrook’s office, we pride ourselves on giving our patients clear, concise, and accurate information each and every time. Why? Because we want you to know all about the dental procedures you are getting and why they’re important. This article will debunk three common myths about dental implants.

Myth 1: They’re Only for the Elderly

One common misconception that many people have about dental implants is that they are only for the elderly, but that simply isn’t the case. Dental implants are for adults of all ages who have had to have a tooth extracted and need a replacement.

Myth 2: They’re Uncomfortable

Unlike dentures that can sometimes rub against the gums if they don’t fit well, dental implants shouldn’t give you any sort of trouble— especially after they have healed. Because dental implants are actually implanted into your gums, you won’t have to worry about them rubbing on anything or irritating your gums.

During the dental implant procedure itself, we will likely use a local anesthetic to help numb your mouth so that you don’t feel a thing. Although you may be sore when you get home and recover, it should subside after just a few days.

Myth 3: They Are a Lot of Work

Another misconception that some people have about dental implants is that they are a lot of work. However, you just care for them as you would your natural teeth— make sure that you are brushing them twice a day and that you floss.

Schedule a Consultation

Dental implants are one of the best ways to restore a smile. If you would like to learn more about dental implants and whether or not they are the right option for you, schedule a consultation at our Albuquerque, NM office today and call us at (505) 881-1159.

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