How does a tongue cleaner work?
It is no surprise that the mouth is full of bacteria. There is good bacteria and bad bacteria. Bad bacteria feeds off of sugars and acids in the mouth to multiply and grow. This increase in bad bacteria can cause sticky film to form on the teeth called plaque. Plaque is the first step towards the development of tooth decay and periodontal disease. This is why patients need to brush and floss each day, but many forget that the tongue is one of the places with the most bacteria. If you do not keep your tongue clean, you are not effectively removing bacteria that can impact your oral health. In turn, it can also contribute to halitosis. This device is easily used to clean and scrape excess saliva off of the tongue, removing what is called the “toxic mucus.” Not only will cleaning the tongue remove bad bacteria from the surface, but it also unlocks the taste buds and can make your food taste better! Cleaning the tongue with this device is another great step in a quality oral hygiene plan.
Learn more about the tools to achieve and maintain oral health and wellness
If you reside in the area of Albuquerque, NM and are ready to speak to a provider about your options when it comes to keeping the smile clean and healthy, contact Dr. Steven E. Holbrook and his providers offers over three decades of experience to assist! The office is located at 8228 Louisiana Boulevard, NE Suite C. Call (505) 881-1159 to request an appointment at our facility to receive comprehensive dental care.