Smoking and oral health: how tobacco use can impact your smile

Women smoking If you smoke cigarettes or chew chewing tobacco, you know the ways in which this bad habit can impact both your health and oral health. Quitting tobacco use is always a great way to bring the body back to health and improve your overall quality of life. But how exactly does tobacco use impact your oral health? Dr. Steven E. Holbrook of Albuquerque, NM is here to help you understand the many ways in which these habits can impact you.

How does tobacco use impact your smile?

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco can stain teeth and gums. If you smoke or chew tobacco, you may notice that your teeth and gums are stained yellow or brown. This may be improved with brushing or teeth whitening but will continue to be a problem as long as you are using tobacco.
  • Tobacco smoke can cause bad breath. The smoke from tobacco can also cause bad breath, which can impact interpersonal relationships. While chewing gum can help temporarily, quitting is the best way to avoid halitosis associated with tobacco use.
  • Tobacco use can increase the risk of developing gum disease and mouth cancer. Oral cancers are just as dangerous at other types of cancers. Patients who smoke tobacco may also be increasing their chances of developing cancer in other areas of the body such as the throat or lungs.
  • Tobacco use can also lead to tooth loss. Because tobacco can irritate the gums, it can contribute to the development of gum disease. Untreated, periodontal disease can cause the bone of the mouth to shrink, in turn loosening teeth and putting a patient at substantial risk of tooth loss.

Quitting tobacco use can improve your oral health and overall health, while also saving you money! Patients who are using tobacco and want to quit can ask Dr. Steven E. Holbrook about the best solutions to leading a healthier lifestyle. If you are located in the Albuquerque, NM area and want to learn more about how tobacco use is impacting your smile, call the office today at 505-881-1159 to request an appointment at our office. We provide comprehensive dental care, including general, cosmetic, and restorative solutions for both new and returning patients.

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